Welcome to LOLA's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
LOLA's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of LOLA
Lola was a good girl. So many memories. As Lola got older she became the matriarch of our family. Lola lived a good life with her siblings Jack and Tara. Lola especially loved to bark and also take car rides. She was truly the boss and dictated how the day would be. She knew how-to get her wants and needs known just by looking at me. Lola was a little girl with a big presence. She will live forever in my soul and I will honor her memory everyday. I will meet you at the rainbow bridge my love,I miss you. 🐾🐾🐾💞💞💞💖💞
2/27/18 Hi Lola love,How was your day my love? I began the day with tears and remembering what was happening this time last year. Do you remember that Lola? This time last yr was actually a Monday and it was the day you suddenly got sick. Tomorrow is your 1yr yr anniversary in heaven. I just can't believe we have been apart 1yr. This time last yr I had brought you to the hospital twice. The second time you were admitted and put in oxygen for the night. I didn't want to leave you there, you never were away from me. I called to check on you every couple of hrs. You couldnt breath well without the oxygen. When I called through the night that's what they told me. That was our first night apart and really,the start of never being together again. Tomorrow will be a sad sorrowful day for me. Jack and Tara are doing good. We went to the park again and they had a good day. Jack looked so funny hanging out the window in the car. God is good Lola, seeing Jack and Tara having a good day made my heart HAPPY even though today was filled with sad memories . God is with us. I bought flowers for your grave and I'll put them there tomorrow. Have a beautiful day in heaven my love. I love you my girl and I miss you so much lola,🐾🐾🐾💞💞💞💞💞🌻💞💟💖💞
2/28/18 Hi Lola love, today is your first anniversary in heaven my girl. This time last yr was when you left. It was in the morning.we came to see you in the hospital and when you looked at me I knew it was time for us to say goodbye. You were so little and weak but you got the strength to sit up when you saw me and the girls. I'll never forget the way you looked at the three of us. One by one you looked each of us in the eyes with pure love and happiness.
9/22/18 Hi my love, how are you doing lola? It was a beautiful day today. It's the first day of fall. We all loved the fall. We would spend time outside and pick pumpkins . I still wish we could all be together. I love the memories I have and what we made. Tara and Sonic were outside alot today. he always goes by the graves and sniffs around and it makes me think of the both of you and how much I truly miss you and Jack. It's still hard for me to accept you're never coming back. It's still so fresh for me and how I Miss you so much
. I loved our life together and I will forever love you lola. You stay with Jack and take care of him. I miss you everyday my girl. Have beautiful days in heaven. 🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗⚘🐶
9/24/18Hi lola love, how are you my girl? Today was a cool day. I took Tara and sonic to the park and sonic was walking nicely on the leash. Maybe if I do that alot he will behave better. Tara enjoyed herself but tomorrow I am taking her to the doggie dr. I dont think shes feeling well. I hope everything is okay5 because I dont want something to happen to her. You and Jack pray for Tara and tell her I need her here with me. I think she misses Jack alot. She likes sonic but she loved Jack. My poor girl. Tara is so sweet. I call her my sweetie even though she bites me sometimes. Pray for her okay lola? I hope you have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack 🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗🌻🍗🍗🍗🙏🙏🙏🍗🐶🐶
9/25/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my love? It rained all day today. Terrible out. Sonic dog a big hole in the yard and got so muddy. I took Tara and sonic to the hollistic vet to make sure shes okay because shes been very finicky with her eating and she drinks alot of water. He didnt think shes sick and we will monitor her bloodwork. I'm happy he says shes okay. I cook eggs for her now because shes been very picky with her eating. You always loved to eat. You would eat anything and grab it out of my hand. You were so feisty. I miss all of that. I miss you everyday lola and I will always love you my girl forever. You stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven. I love you 🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗🌻🌻🌼🌼🌹⚘⚘⚘🍗🐕⚘🙏🙏🌻😔🌻
9/26/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven today? Are you taking care of Jack for me? We're doing good. Sonic seems to be settling in now. He walks better on the leash and we went to the pet store today and he walked normal. Tara always likes going to the store. You liked going to. And you loved the car rides. Barking the entire time. I miss you doing that. I miss our life together. I'll always remember how happy all of us were. You're always my first little girl pug. I miss you everyday lola and stay with Jack my girl. Have beautiful days in heaven I love you girlie and keep barking🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗⚘⚘⚘🍗🍗🍗🌻🌻🌻🐾🐾🐾🍗🐶🌻
9/27/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl?today was beautiful and I took Tara and sonic to the park but we didnt stay very long. Sonic started to pull me around so we left. Do you and Jack still come around? I dont feel you both around anymore. Do you visit and we dont know? Even though we have sonic now I still remember you everyday. I hope you know that I will always love you my girl and I want you to come visit me. Do you remember our life together lola? I wonder when you go to heaven if you forget your life but then when someone from your life that you left comes to heaven, you remember. I hope not. I hope that's not true. Because that would mean you dont watch over and
Make sure we're okay. Send me a sign lola that you're watching over us and bring Jack. I miss you everyday my girl and I love you so very much. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together 🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗⚘🐶🐶🐶🌻🌻⚘
9/28/18;Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? It was a nice today. I took Tara and sonic to the pet store today. We had to buy all the puppy things for wilber. I hope tara and sonic like him. I hope you and Jack dont get sad that we're getting wilber. I will always love and remember our beautiful life together. I cant believe we have three dogs again. Tara will be entertained and not bored. Sonic will have a friend to run around with. I hope everyone gets along. Keep watching over us lola and remember I always love you my girl. I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack and take care of him for me. Have beautiful days in heaven my girl. 🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗⚘🌼🍗🍗🐶🐶🍗🍗🐾🐾🐾🙏🙏
9/29/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? We picked wilber up today and I think it was a mistake. Tara and sonic dont like him . They growl at him. I'm very upset and stressed out. I wish we didn't do this. I'm so tired and upset . I feel bad for ic because wilber bothers him the most. It was so good with just sonic and Tara. I should have left it alone. I love you lola and I miss you my girl. Take care of Jack and stay we with him. Have beautiful days in heaven together Z🐾🐾🐾💔😓😓🐶🐶🐶🐶🌻🌻🌻⚘⚘👐🐶🐶🐕🙏🙏🙏🙏🌹🌻
9/30/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven today my girl? I think things are getting better. I took Tara and sonic to the pet store today to get gates. I m so tired. Tonight. Have you peeked at us lately ?wilber will sleep with one of the because he jumps up and bothers the others so I love you my girl stay with Jack I miss you girlee 🐾🐾🐾😪😪🐾🌻🐶🐶🐶🌻🌻🐾🐾🐾🌻🐶😓🏵
10/1/18 Hi lola love. How is heaven today my girl? Are you and Jack enjoying your days in heaven? Tara and Sonic are doing okay and they seem to be accepting Wilber a little more. Hes a busy boy and bratty. Everyone seems to be getting used to eachother so I'm happy about that. He doesnt sleep with us yet. He sleeps with Bridget or Rebecca. Tara and sonic dont want him to sleep with us at night. They growl at him. I hope you are happy my girl and I hope you know how I love you. You're always my first little girl pug. So sassy ! I love you lola and I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. 🐾🐾🐾💔🐶🐶🐶🌻🌻🌻🍗🍗🍗🙏🙏🐶🐶🍗🍗🙏🙏🙏🌻
10/3/18 Hi my love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? It was a beautiful day today. It's so different now with wilber. Hes so active and Tara and Sonic get frustrated with him sometimes. You and Jack were hyper little puppies but then grew into the best pugs ever.🐾🐾
10/7/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing my girl? Today was a nice day. I took Sonic and Tara to the nursery to get mums for Nanny's grave. Then we went to the cemetery and planted them. Wilber stayed home with Rebecca. Hes to little to go in the car right now. We were outside alot today. Its strange how things are so different now. Me and Tara were alone after Jack went to heaven and now we gave Sonic and wilber running around. Everything is so busy now. I dont know if Tara likes all of this. I know shes not alone but I'm not sure she likes all busyness. She doesn't like when Wilber jumps all over her. I just want her to be happy..I remember when Jack went to heaven, Tara wouldn't sleep with me, she slept on the floor. Part of me felt like she was mad at me .Ipo art of me wishes it was still me and her but then I know Sonic needed a home and wilber . Well, I don't know how Tara really feels but I hope you know how much I love you and I miss you everyday. I love you lola and I hope you have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. Stay together. I love you lola 🐾🐾🐾💔😓🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗🙏🐶🐶🐶😓🐾🐾🐾🌻🌷🐶🐶🙏🍗😓
10/9/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven today my girl? I was so tired last night I fell asleep and didnt write to you. I'm sorry my girl. Today I took Tara ,sonic and wilber to the doggie dr for wilbers check up . He got his puppy shots today. Hes a bad puppy. He chews everything but has alot of fun during the day causing problems. You were a hyper puppy two. Chewing things all the time. Tara is acting a little younger. She takes his toys and runs around with them. They're all good dogs and for the most part they get along. I hope you love heaven my girl. I love you lola and I miss you everyday. Stay with jack and have beautiful days heaven 😪🐾💔💔🎂🐶🐶🐶😎😎😎
10/10/18 Hi Lola love how are you doing my girl? Today was a nice day. We were outside alot. Wilber is getting used to the car rides. He seems more relaxed. Sonic Loves them. He hangs his head out of the window..you always barked the entire ride. I miss you on our car rides. I wonder if you.come along sometimes . It's so different now that we have wilber. Hes such a busy puppy.sometimes I dont think.i will make it. He chews everything. Its exhausting. Come see me my girl. I love you lola so very much and I miss you everyday my girl. Stay with Jackand have beautiful days in heaven, 🐾🐾🐾🌻😓🐶🐶🍗🙏😓⚘🌼🌹😓😓
10/12/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing my girl? It was a beautiful day today. Tara now has kidney disease and I'm very upset about it. I ordered a hollistic food for her. And she will take some herbs . You and Jack pray for her because I still want Tara to be with me. I dont eant her to leave me. I still need my little girl Tara. Pray for her ok my girl. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven my love, 🐾🐾🐾😓🙌🐶🐶🙏🙏🙏🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗🌻🌻🌻🌷😓
10/13/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven my girl? Today was a cold fall day. Tara and sonic and wilber liked being outside today the cold made them hyper. I saw Jack visiting last night and the other day. How come you're not coming to visit Lola? I would like for you to come visit. I miss seeing you and I need you to come visit. I'll be waiting to see you my girl. I miss my life with you and Jack and Tara. I wish I can have it back but I know I cant . I can only hold onto my beautiful memories of our life together. I'm so greatful I was your Mommy and that I watched you both grow old. It was my favorite time of my life taking care of my little dolls. Come visit me lola and always remember how I love you girlee and how I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together my girl. Keep barking Lola. 🐾🐾🐾🌻⚘🐶🐶😓🙏🙏🙏🍗🍗🍗😓😓😓🐶🐶🐞🐞🐞🐾🐾🐾🌻
10/14/18 Hi lola love, how are you my girl? How is heaven today? It was cold here.we were outside alot today then we went for a ride to get coffee. Wilber is settling in to our routine and Tara and Sonic are becoming more accepting of him. Wilber rides in the car now and sleeps with us. Each days end we get closer to normal times. It's so much work having a puppy pug. You little pugs are so bad when you're puppies. Then you grow up to be good pugs. Hes doing better and seems to be fond of Tara. I'm searching for Tara so I can help her kidney disease. I think I have any call our other hollistic vet. She helped Jack so much maybe she can help Tara now. I feel I should do that and I will. Well lola, I hope you come visit me and pray ft. Or Tara my girl. I love you lola and I miss you everyday. You stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together my girl. 🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗😓😓🏵🏵🏵😓😓😓🍗🍗🍗🙏🙏🙏🌻
.10/15/18 Hi lola love. How are you my girl? How is heaven today? It was a rainy day so we didnt go for a ride. I took Tara and Sonic for a walk in the neighborhood. Tara likes to do that and Sonic is getting better on our walks. Wilber cant come yet. Hes to little. I bought Tara some hollistic food and a new herb for her kidneys. I researched it and found a new hollistic dr. He says I have to reduce Tara's protein intake. I hope Tara doesnt get worse and I want you and Jack to pray for her. I dont want Tara to leave me. Well, that's all my girl and I hope you have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. I love you Lola and I miss you everyday my girl. Stay with Javk and take care of him.🐾🐾🐾😓😓🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗🙏🙏🙏🌾🏵🏵🏵🏵🌷🌻🏵🏵🌾🌾🏵🌾🏵🏵🏵🏵
10/17/18 Hi Lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? How are you and Jack liking your time in heaven together. Jack has been gone for 4 months now. I'm sure hes settling in. I miss both of you everyday. Do you watch over us? I always wonder if you're looking at us. I hope you and Jack pray doe Tara. Shes doing okay and seems to be in good spirits with everything going on. It was a beautiful fall day today. Our favorite time. I miss you lola so very much and I always love you so very much. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗🐾🐾🐾🌻😓😓🐶👐
10/18/28 Hi my love, how are you lola love? How is heaven? It was cold today and you can feel winter will be here soon. You hated the cold and the heat. Everyone is doing okay, Wilber is crazy and never stops moving. He makes me tired. You and Jack were bad puppies. Hes so cute I hope he stops being so bad. You were a good little girl pug. Sassy you were. Wilber is fresh..continue to pray for Tara and visit us my girl. Keep barking NY girl. I love you and I miss you everyday my girl. Enjoy your beautiful days in heaven with Jack. 🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗🐶😓😓🏵💐😓🐶🐶🌻🌻🌻😓🐶
10/20/18 Hi my girl how are you lola love? Today is a nice fall day. Everyone is okay. It seems like things are slowly settling down.we are finding our new normal which is kind of crazy. Once wilber gets bigger I think things will get better. Hes learning to pee outside now. It's not been very easy for me. Having a puppy pug is so much work. I think it will get better when hes bigger. Tara and Sonic are accepting him more every day. Do you and Jack still check on us? I thought after all of you would be in heaven I would never have Dogs again. Now look at me. I'm back to three of you again
It's not the same as you and Jack and Tara. I miss those times so much. Those memories will never leave my soul. I will always hold them close to me. I miss you my girl so much, everyday. I love you lola so very much. Have beautiful days in heaven my girl. Stay with jack🐾🐾🐾🌻💔😓🐶🐶🐶🙏🙏🙏🌿😓🌹🌼⚘🐶🌻🐾🐾🐾🙏🌻
10/21/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? Today was so cold I put their sweaters on. Sonic loved his sweater and Wilber didn't and Tara didn't really care. Remember Jack used to try to tear yours off. Wilber was doing the same to Tara. Wilber acts alot like Jack. He does weird things like licking Tara's ears. Hes starting to do that now. I think God made Wilber to act like Jack a little. Sonic like to bark like you always did. I still miss our life together. I'll always hold our beautiful memories so close inside my soul. So many memories lola. I'll always love you my girl and I miss you everyday. You stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. I love you lola. 🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶😓🌹🌼🙏🙏🙏🐶🍗🍗🍗🐶🐶🍗🌻🌷🐾
10/23/18 Hi lola love. How are you doing in heaven with Jack? Things are settling down but its still hectic. Tara steals Wilbers toys and growled at him. I'm trying to find zach babysitter to watch them when I'm at work. I hope I can find someone. It's getting cold now. You didn't like the cold and Tara doesnt either. I think Sonic and wilber will like running in the yard when it snows. Not me and Tara. You didnt like the snow. I would shovel little paths for all of you. You liked when I did that. I remember. I miss our life together and I love you so very much. I miss you everyday lola and stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven my girl. 🐾🐾🐾💔💔🙏🙏🙏🍗🍗🍗🌷😓😓😓🌻🌻🌻🐶🐶🐶🙏🐕🐶🌻
10/25/18 Hi lola love how are you in heaven my girl? I know you and Jack are settled together in heaven. I miss you everyday. Soon it will be 2yrs apart. I just never imagined me without you and Jack. I guess I thought all of us would just be together. I never thought of you living in heaven. I still get so sad without you and Jack. Wilber is a crazy puppy and Tara is letting him know that shes the boss. You were like that too. You were bossy and sassy. You were in charge! It's nice to see Tsra be energetic. She was so sad when Jack was taken to heaven. Jack was sad when you left for heaven . Always remember our life lola and never forget Mommy. I hope you're having beautiful days with Jack in heaven. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday lola. Stay with Jack. 🐾🐾🐾🌻🐶🐶🐶🐕🐕🐕😓😓😓🏵🏵💐🐞🏵🏵😓😓🍗🍗🍗🐾🐾🐾🌻
10/26/18 Hi lola love , how are you in heaven my girl? It was a nice day here. A bad storm is coming tomorrow. Its Saturday tomorrow and I have next week off. Everyone will be happy I'm home. Its Halloween next week. We had fun do you remember lola? I think you liked when I dressed you up in your costume. You were always funny to watch and Jack always pulled your costume off. I have a funny video of all of you your last Halloween. You were a ladybug. This Halloween will be very different. Just Tara is left from you guys. She has Sonic and Wilber now. I miss you and Jack everyday Lola. I'll never forget you my girl and our life together .you stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack 🐾🐾🐾🌻🌷😓😓😓🐶🙏🌾😓😓🍗🍗🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶💔🐾🌻🌻🐾🐾🐾
10/28/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? Today was a cloudy day but at least it stopped raining. What do you and Jack do all day? I wonder that alot. Everyone is doing okay. Tara seems to bu more active with the puppy. She runs around alot with him and chases and plays with his toys. It's good for her to be active. Sonic is always running around chasing things outside and the puppy is hyper and doesn't listen. You and Jack were like that too . But then grew into good little pugs. I hope Wilber follows that because hes very bad most of the time. I miss my girl and wish I could see you again and here your bark. I miss hearing you and seeing you.I'll always love you lola dont go far away from me. I miss you everyday my girl. Send me a bark . Have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. 🐾🐾🐾🌻🍗🍗🍗🙏🙏🙏🐕🐶🐶🐶🌼🌹🐶🐶🐶🐾🐾🐾🌻
10/30/18🎃 Hi lola love, how is heaven today my girl? Today was a beautiful day. Tomorrow is Halloween our second one apart and my first one without Jack. It makes me sad to think about the both of you not with me anymore. I wonder why it has to end when it's going so good. I know God sent me Sonic and Wilber for many reasons and for Tara too. I'm so happy Tara is happier now that she has sonic and wilber. I still think of you everday and I miss you. I will always hold the memories of our life together so close to my soul. I forever love you lola love and will always miss you and your barking. Stay with Jack in heaven and have beautiful days together my girl. 🎃🎃🎃🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🌻💔💔💔🍗🍗🍗😔😔😔🐕🐕🐕😓😓😓🐾🐾🐾🌻🎃🎃🎃🍗🌻🌹
10/31/18 Hi lola love, HAPPY HALLOWEEN 🎃🎃🎃 your second Halloween in heaven and Jack's first one. I miss dressing the both of you up. Tara had a good time in her costume.she was the only one that cooperated. All of you loved walking around in your costume. I missed you both today. I only got a picture of Tara in her costume . Wilber and Sonic dont like dressing up. I'll try again next yr. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday. You stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together my love. Happy Halloween lola I miss you.🐾🐾🐾🎃🎃🎃😓😓😓💔💔💔🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗💔💔😎💔💔💔🍗🍗🍗🌻🌻🌻🌷🎃
11/1/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven today my girl? I miss you andvHack and I wish we could go back to our lives. Sonic and wilber are bad sometimes and it stresses me out. I feel bad for Tara that it's so different now. But in think she Luke's how crazy it is. Come visit me lola I need to know you are close to me. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together 🐾🐾🐾🌻💔💔💔🐾🐾🐾🌻🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗🐶🐶🐶🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🌹
11/3/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven my girl? Today was a nice day. A little windy. Are you taking care of Jack for me? I miss you both and our life together. I remember when you left for heaven I think you were ready but I dont think Jack was. I think he didnt know and it was unexpected. My heart and soul are still so bruised and sad about Jack.. He was doing so well
I think we both were shocked. I hope you help him and stay by him . Remember Jack didn't like being alone. You're the matriarch of our family so I know you are okay . Stay close to me and Tara and dont go far. I love you my little girl pug and I miss you everyday. Have beautiful days in heaven my girl. 🐾🐾🐾🌻🍗🍗🍗💔💔💔😓😓😓🐞🌻
.11/5/18 hi Lola love, how are you doing my girl? It rained all day today. We didnt do much today. Tomorrow I will take them to the doggie dr. Wilbur needs his last puppy shots and tara. Reds her blood work done to check her kidneys. Sonics blood test is for lyme disease. I hope they are all okay. Are you okay lola? Do you ever think of our life together? I wonder that alot. What has become of you and Jack.? Its still so hard for me that we're not together anymore. You both were such a big part of my life. Its difficult for me to really stop and think of how you and Jack were taken away from me. It's too much sometimes. I hope you know how much I love you and how I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. Never forget me and our life together. I love you lola 🐾🐾🐾💔🍗🍗🍗🐶😓😓😓🏵💐🐞😔🌷🌻🌼🐾🐾🐾🌹🍗💔🐾🐾🐾🌻
11/6/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven today my girl? Another rainy day today. We went to the doggie dr and Tara and Sonic were so good during their blood work. And even their nail trim. Wilber got his last
puppy shots. I hope Tara is okay and the herb I'm giving is working. I don't want Tar to be sick.we need you and Jack to watch over us and dont go far away. I miss you everyday lola and I always love you and think of you my girl. Keep barking lola and have beautiful days in heaven together with Jack. 🐾🐾🐾💔💔💔😓😓😓🌾🌾🌾💔💔💔🐾🐾🐾🌻🌷🌹💔
11/8/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? Today was a nice day. Tara's bloodwork is better. Her kidney levels went back down. Its because of the herbs and you and Jack and God that Tara is getting better. I'm very thankful. Wilber is a bad puppy and chews everything including my hands. He does things just like Jack . I know God sent Wilber to me and made him like Jack. God is good lola and I understand. I love you my little girl pug and I miss you everyday. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. 🐾🐾🐾🌻💔💔💔😓😓🍗🍗🍗🐾🐾🐾😓😓😓💐💐💐🐞🏵
11/10/18 Hi lola love, how are you my girl? How is heaven? I know it must be peaceful and beautiful. Today was a beautiful fall day. Its getting colder now. You didnt like the cold. I don't either. Everyone was bad today. Its challenging to have control over this. Wilber the puppy creates havoc and then Tara attacks him. Sonic is crazy and runs around outside barking . You loved barking remember? He does too. Its just hard now. I think when Wilber is older it will ge easier. If you and Jack can help her I would like that. I hope you're happy my little girl pug. I love you lola and I miss you everyday, I miss our life. You stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together my girl. 🐾🐾🐾🌻🍗🍗🍗🐶😓💔💔💔🐾🐾🐾🌻💔💔💔🌻🌹🌼🌻🐾🐾🐾🐶😓🍗⚘
11/15/18 Hi Lola love, I havent cone here in few days because wilber has pneumonia. Hes been in the hospital as l thought he was leaving me too. I'm still scared. I pray he will be okay . He also has something se. A birthdrfect.
I'm so tired I will tell you more tomorrow. I love you lola and I miss you everyday. Stay with jack in heaven Nd have beautiful days in heaven

11/17/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing my girl? It snowed the other day. You hated snow. Soon you will be gone 2yrs. I cant believe it. Jack is gone 5 months. Life changes so mu h. It teaches us to enjoy while we can. Wilber is okay hes improved since hes come home from the hospital. I worry alot about him. I'm so afraid he will be taken . I've asked for a miracle for him. I believe in them because of Jack. I hope you visit me and pray for wilber. I miss you everyday my girl and I love you so very much. Stay with Jack in heaven and have beautiful days together. I love you my
11/24/18 Hi lola love. How are you in heaven my love? Today was cold out . Everyone is doing okay. A trainer is coming tomorrow to teach sonic and wilber some manners. Their behavior is not good sometimes. I hope it works because Sonics barking is out of control..you loved running around barking. Wilbers megaesophogus is stressful but I'm trying my best to help him. I hope you and Jack are watching over him and Sonic and Tara. Pray for us lola and stay with jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday lola 🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🍗🍗🍗🐶🐶🐶💔💔💔🐾🐾🐾🌻🌷😎
11/28/18 Hi lola love how are you doing my girl? Today was a cold day. We didnt do much today when I got home from work . I'm sorry lola I miss writing everyday. Sometimes there's not a minute to spare anymore. Everything is so different now with Wilber having this disease. I dont know why because it only effects his eating times and drinking but life is so different now. I hope wilber is okay and lives a long life. I spend most of the day so worried about him , if hes eating enough or drinking enough which hes not. Wilber cant drink water without regurtjtaing
Hes already had aspiration pneumonia. And hes hand fed so food makes it to his belly. I guess I'm saying, I worry he'll die at anytime. Hes so lively and a hyper little puppy but this disease God chose for him is horrible and so scary for me. I ask for a miracle and I ask that my miracle be given to Wilber. I try my best everyday for him .please pray for Wilber that hes going to be okay and grow out of it.i love you lola and I miss you everyday. You stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. I love you my girl 🐾🐾🐾💔💔💔🌻🌻🌻🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗💐💐😎🏵🌼🐕💐💐🌻
11/29/18 hi lola love, how is heaven my girl? It was a little chilly today. Everyone is okay, wilber is doing okay I worry every day all day that something will happen to him. Tara is sleeping more and doesn't seem to have alot of energy. She goes for bloodwork next week. I hope her kidneys are ok. Sonic is a healthy guy. He just barks alot. But I'm thankful hes healthy. Life changes and sometimes its challenging. I feel scared and sad alot because I dont want Wilber to leave me. I pray for a miracle that he will be okay and his disease will go away. I want you to pray for wilber and Tara that they're going to be okay. Pray that sonic doesn't bark so much. I miss you everyday my girl and I love you lola. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. I love you 🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🌻🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗😓😓😓💔💔💔🌻🌷😎🐾🐾🐾🐶🍗
12/3/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven my girl? Today was cold but we had a good day. Wilber didnt regurgitate today and seemed okay. Tara seemed happier today and Sonic was a good boy and is getting better when we come in the house . Hos barking is not so much anymore. It was a calm day and I'm thankful for it. It gets crazy here sometimes so a day like today I'm thankful for. How peaceful toda was. It's so different now. Remember our life together lola? It was so calm and peaceful. I hope I get back to that place again.
I think of you and Jack everyday. I miss you lola and I love you so very much stay with Jack and have beautiful days together in heaven 1🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🌻💔💔💔🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗💔💔💔🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗
12/15/18 Hi lola love, I havent written in a while and I'm sorry for that. I always am thinking about you and Jack. Your always inside my soul my little girl pug. How are you lola? Are you still happy in heaven and do you still check on us? I see Jack sometimes but I haven't seen you in a while. Its almost 2yrs since you left it's still very different here without you. Tara is trying to be in charge now . She beats wilber and sonic up alot. Its so busy and different now. Wilber needs extra care and its time consuming most days but always know if I dont make it here everyday to write you are still on my mind and in my soul my girl. I love you lola so very much and I miss you everyday. You stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together my love..I miss you lola. 🐾🐾🐾💔💔💔💐💐💐🏵🏵🏵🍗🍗🍗🍗🌿🌿🌿🌼🌷🌷🐞🌲🌲🌲
12/24/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing my girl? How is heaven today? Its Christmas Eve today . Your second Christmas in heaven. I hope you're having a beautiful life in heaven and I want you to take care of Jack for me. It's his first Christmas in heaven. I know hes not lonely because he has you with him.I miss the both of you and our life together. It was truly a beautiful life . So calm and peaceful. Have a beautiful Christmas eve in heaven with Jack lola. I love you my girl and I miss you so very much. 🐾🐾🐾🌲🌲🌲🍗🍗🐶🍗🍗🍗💔💔💔🌲🌲🌲🌻🐶🐶🌲
12/25/18 🌲MERRY CHRISTMAS LOLA, how is heaven today my girl? Today is your second Christmas in heaven. Now you have Jack with you so I know you're not alone. I miss you everyday lola and I miss our life together. Its still hard for me being without you and Jack. I often think of how beautiful our life was. It's so different now. Wilber is a puppy pug and hes very crazy and sonic and Tara dont tolerate him very well. Hopefully when wilber gets older it will be a calmer environment. I hope your Christmas day is beautiful in heaven today. Take care of Jack for me my girl. I love you lola so very much and I miss you everyday my girl. I love you girlie. Keep barking lola 🌲🌲🌲🐾🐾🐾🌲🌲🌲🍗🍗🍗🐕🐕🐕💔💔💔🌲🌲🌲🌻🌲🌲🌲🐾🐾🐾
12_29/18 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? It's almost New yrs. Your second anniversary in heaven is coming up. You're gone almost 2yrs now. It feels so much longer that I haven't seen you. You dont come around much anymore. Why don't you lola? I hope you know I still think of you every day my love. It's so different now than it was. Wilber is a badly behaved puppy. I have to watch him all the time. You were a bad puppy too. And then we got Jack and you both played together so it wasnt so bad. I'm so greatful I was your human Mommy. I love thinking of all the times we share together. Its comforting to me. I loved our life together and I will always remember how happy you made me. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday. Have a beautiful day in heaven with Jack. I love you lola 🐾🐾🐾🌲🌲🌲🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🌷🍗🍗🐾💔💔💔
12/31/18 Hi lola love, it's new year's eve today. This is your second one in heaven. You have Jack with you to celebrate. How is your day going? Its raining here and it's cold. Everyone is doing okay. Tara is in a good mood lately and sonic is usually a good boy. Wilber is almost 6months now. Hes so full of energy and trouble
. I hope you pray for us and send special prayers for wilber. You are always my girl lola and I will always love you. I miss you everyday. You have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. Take care of him for me. HAPPY NEW YEAR LOLA. I always will love you my girl. 🐾🐾🐾🌲🌲🌲🌷🌷🌷🌼🌼🌼⚘⚘⚘🌹🌹🌹🐶🐶🐶🌼🌼🌼🌷🐞🐕🍗🍗🍗
1/1/19 HAPPY NEW YEAR LOLA! How are you doing in heaven my girl? It's the new year today. Next month you will celebrate your 2nd anniversary in heaven. I still can't believe you and Jack are no longer here on earth. Life is so different now. Tara is being mean to wilber and sonic. I wish she would stop because it stresses me out. I haven't seen you around lately. I hope you come visit us soon my girl. I miss you everyday lola. I love you and I miss your barking. HAPPY NEW YEAR LOLA. Have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. I love you girlie. 🐾🐾🐾🌹🌹🌹🌼🌼🌼🌻🌻🌻🍗🍗🍗🐕🐕🐕🌹🌹🌼🌼🌷🌻🐾🐾🐾🐶🌲🌲🌲
1/17/19 Hi lola love, how are you my girl? I haven't written to you in 17 days. I'm sorry my girl. Sometimes I think Jack needs more than you and maybe you need it as much as Jack. I'm so tired all the time . I think things are settling down and I'm getting used to the craziness here. Wilber is 6 months now and hes still crazy but is starting to listen. Sonic is good and bad and Tara is
is good most of time. She had acupuncture the other day and she liked it. I hope it helps her arthritis. You enjoyed your acupuncture sessions. You were a good girl Lola and feisty. I miss you everyday my girl
I'll try to come here much more. I love you my girl and I miss our life together. I miss you everyday and I love you so very much. Have beautiful days in heaven my girl. Keep barking lola and stay with Jack.🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🌻💔💔💔🐶🌻🌻🌻🌻🌻🐾💖💔🌻😅
1/25/19 Hi my girl, how are you lola? I'm sorry I don't write everday anymore. Things are crazy here with Wilber and Sonic. Life is so different. I miss our life together. You and Jack and Tara. We always had fun and we were comfortable. I hope I can have that with me and Tara and Sonic and Wilber . Soon you will celebrate two yrs in heaven. I still cant believe it's two yrs. I think you wanted to leave , you were ready. My heart was broken that day you left. It broke again when Jack was taken to heaven. I've really never been the same since the both of you left. I know part of me is gone ,that's how it feels. I never recovered from your passing or Jack's. When Wilber got sick that night,he almost was taken to heaven. I'll never forget that night and how I almost lost him and so soon after Jack. I have a hard time with what happened to him . I was so scared . 8 begged God for his life and begged for a chance to prove I can take care of him. I try my best with Wilber and I want him to be with me for a long time. I hope you pray for him. I love you lola and I miss you everyday girlee. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. I love you my girl and I miss you everyday. 🐾🐾🐾💖🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗😪⚘🌼😪😸🌻🐾🐾🐾😸

2/1/19 Hi lola love how are you doing in heaven my girl? It's so cold here. I put a valentine here for you. Soon you will celebrate 2yrs in heaven. I still cant believe your going on two years in heaven. I think of you everyday my girl and think how it used to be and I miss those days.
I love you my girl and I miss you
2/10/19 Hi lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? I miss you lola and I feel bad that I dont write all the time. It's so busy here now. Sonic and wilber are a handful and most days when I go to bed I'm so tired I cant write. Everything is so different now I miss how it was with you and Jack and Tara . Tara is doing okay, shes not hearing as well but shes feisty as ever. I just want you to know that I think of you everyday and jack too. This is your anniversary month. 2 yrs in heaven. It's still very hard for me to be without you. I loved our life together and I hope you did too. I wish we could do it again I will always hold the memories inside my soul and I'm am forever grateful I was your human Mommy. Never leave my side my lola. I love you girlie more than you will ever know. I miss you keep barking and stay with Jack in heaven and have beautiful days together. 🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶🐶🍗🍗🍗🐶🐶🐶🌻🌻🌻🐾🐾🐾🌹🐶🐶🐶
2/14/19 Hi lola love, Happy Valentine's day my girl. How are you doing in heaven today. You and Jack are celebrating the day today. Its his first Valentine's day away from me. Its you second one. The wnd of the month will be your two year anniversary in heaven. Its been along time apart lola. I hope you are still with me. I think you are, i think I feel you around. Are you taking care of jack for me? I still need you to do that. Youre always missed my little girl pug. Tara is doing good. Im not sure she likes all the action around here. Stay close to me lola and remember I always will love you my girl. I miss you everyday and youre always ny girl. Happy Valentine's day stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven together. 🐾🐾🐾🐶🐶🐶💔💔💔❤❤❤🍗🍗🍗💖💖💖❤❤❤🌹🐾🐾🐾🌹💖❤
2/27/19 Hi lola love, how are you my girl? Tomorrow is your 2nd anniversary in heaven. You have lived there for two yrs. Its hard to believe you have been away from me for two yrs. I remember this night two yrs ago. It was a night filled with worry and fear that you were going to go to heaven. I called the hospital every couple of hrs to check on you. I knew you weren't doing well. I hope you weren't scared my girl. I hope you know how much I love you and I miss you. My little girl pug . I will come tomorrow and write again. I wish I could hear you barking and see you running and barking.have a beautiful day in heaven my girl stay with jack
I love you my girl and I miss you everyday lola. 🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗❤❤❤💖💖💖😃🌻⚘⚘⚘🌱🏵🏵🌸💐⚘⚘⚘🌺⚘⚘⚘
2/28/19 Hi my girl, today you are in heaven two yrs . I remember that day and the minute you left for heaven. Its something I will never forget that powerful moment between you and I and you let me know you were ready to leave me but not before you let me know how much you loved me and how greatful you were we spent your lifetime together . You were beautiful that day like everyday but your little soul shined through that day. You were a beautiful soul and I will never forget you my girl. You left for heaven with dignity and we brought you home and buried you. The girls and me dug your grave and I laid you to rest in peace . You have a beautiful memorial in the yard and I feel you are settled and happy. Especially because you have Jack with you now. You missed him and he missed you terribly. Now Jack is is with you and Tara misses both of you , especially Jack.
I will always be so greatful for our life together. It truly was my favorite time in my life. I miss all of us and the way it was. I love you lola I always will I miss you and I hope you will always stay with me. Be happy my girl and take care of Jack. You are always loved. I miss you everyday. 🐾🐾🐾💐💐💐⚘💐💐💐💐🏵🏵🏵🏵💐💐💐🌺💐💐💐💐💐💐💐
3/19/18 Hi lola love, how is heaven my girl? Tomorrow is the first day of spring. Im happy winter is over. You never liked winter you didn't like the cold. I don't either. Everyone is doing okay here. Tara seems a little more active. I think her new herbs are helping. I hope you still watch over us and make sure
3/30/19 Hi lola love, how are you my girl? I haven't written in a while. Life is so different now so busy with work and Tara sonic and wilber. Tara sleeps alot now. Shes grown into an old lady. I worry about her alot. You used to sleep alot too.I remember when we would go for car rides,sometimes it seemed like you didn't want to go. Tara is like that now. Shes a quiet girl most of the times bur then she gets energy and chases the puppy around or beats Sonic up. Hes getting better,he listens more but his barking is horrible. He barks more than you. I miss you everyday and Jack too. I miss us and how it used to be. I loved our life together i don't know how else to say it. You and Jack and Tara were my favorite time in my life. I will never forget our life and all of our memories. I hope you know I love you lola and how much you're missed. I wish you would visit me again I still need you around me. You're still loved by me and I miss you everyday. You have a beautiful day in heaven with Jack. Continue to take care of him. I love you girlie, dont go to far away from me🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗😥😥😥💐💐💐💐🌸💐💐🐶💐💐💐💐💐🌻💐💐
I love you my girl I miss you. I saw your msg today
5/24/19 Hi my lola love, its your birthday on Sunday my girl. Rebecca thought she saw you today. You were reminding us of you birthday. I miss you everyday and think of you and Jack and how our life was with me and Tara . I miss that part of my life so much . It was and will always be so special to me. my most favorite time of my life. I wanted to come here and tell you I love you lola and I miss you. Continue to take care of Jack for me he's been in heaven for almost a year now. my soul is still missing him its still painful . Tell Jack I love him and I will come to see him tomorrow. I love you lola and have beautiful days in heaven with Jack
I miss you, i miss us.🐾🐾🐾🍗🍗🍗🌻🌻🌻🌻🐶🌺🌺🌺⚘⚘⚘💐💐💐💐🍗⚘⚘🐱🌺
5/26/19 HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOLA how are you my girl? Today is your birthday. I have a little birthday cake decoration by your picture.
You're always remembered lola. I hope you are having a fun time today in heaven with Jack and celebrateing your day. Tara just had a birthday. Shes 12yrs old. I think shes 13 but the girls say no. Its very hot here today so i gave tara sonic and wilber a bath. They all liked it. You were not fo d of the bath but you liked running around after it. I miss you everyday lola and Jack too. Tara misses the both of you i can tell. I loved our life together. I have beautiful memories of all of us together I hope you remember our memories. have A beautiful birthday in heaven today. You're always on my mind my girl. Happy birthday lola and stay with jack. 🐾🐾🐾🌺🌻🐶🐶♥️🎉🎊🍰🍭🍔🥓🍟🥖🍗🥖
7/4/19 Hi lola love, Happy July 4th in heaven my girl. How are you doing lola? I miss you and Jack everyday. We're doing okay . Tara is doing good. She sleeps alot now and reminds me of you alot when you got old. I worry about her everyday. She seems so far away at times. She never really recovered from Jack leaving. Sonic and Wilber are not her original family but I know she really loves Wilber. Probably because he looks like Jack and does Jack things to her and me. Wilber will be 1yrs old this month. Time goes by so fast and life has changed for me so much in this past yr. When Jack was taken from me to go to heaven I never thought I would have anyone but Tara but that changed fast because Tara was so sad without Jack. Wilner and Sonic make life so busy but you and Jack are always on my mind everyday. It still hurts my soul tremendously that you are both gone from our life together. I miss you everyday and the life I was blessed having with you and Jack. Our special memories I will always hold in my heart . I love you lola and I miss you everyday my girl. You take care of Jack for me and I hope both of you have beautiful days in heaven together. Stay close to me and watch over us my love. Send me some barks. I love you lola 🐾🐾🐾🥺🥺🥺🍗🍗🍗🦋🦋🦋♥️♥️♥️🌺🌺🌺🍗🍗🍗🌻🌻🌻
11/27/19 Happy Thanksgiving Lola! How are you doing in heaven my girl? I miss you and Jack everyday and the life we lived. everything is so different now and since Jack was taken to heaven nothing is the same as it was when you both were here . I miss you and our life together I think about it a lot and wish I still had the both of you. Tara is doing good these days. She is sassy the way you were and bossy with wilber and sonic. Tara knows she's in charge now. I hope you're happy in heaven with Jack and taking care of him for me. I love you lola and have beautiful days in heaven my girl. Happy Thanksgiving girlie. I miss you everyday and will always love you 🍗🍗🍗🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🦋🦋🦋🌻
12/25/19 MERRY CHRISTMAS lola love.🌲how are you doing in heaven? Our third one apart. I miss you everyday my girl and I always think of you. It's still so hard for me when I think of you and Jack. I've never really recovered from the both of you leaving for heaven. I hope you still come around and check on us. Tara is doing okay she's finally in charge . She keeps wilber and sonic in line. She knows that she is the boss now. I hope your Christmas is beautiful in heaven with Jack. I love you lola so very much and I miss you and our life together. I will always hold you in my heart my girl. Have a beautiful Christmas in heaven and have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. MERRY CHRISTMAS LOLA. I love you 🌲🌲🐾🐾🐾
1/1/20 HAPPY NEW YEAR Lola, our 3rd new year's apart.
How are you doing in heaven? I know you're all settled in and happy especially that Jack is with you. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you my girl. I miss you lola everyday and the life we shared. I'm forever grateful for our time together I really am. I hope your days in heaven are beautiful and you stay with Jack. I love you lola and I always will hold our memories close inside my soul.
Happy new year girlee. I miss you and have beautiful days in heaven with Jack. I love you 🐾🐾🐾
2/27/20 Hi Lola love how are you doing in heaven my girl? Tomorrow is your 3yr anniversary my girl. Gone away for 3yrs. This time 3yrs ago you were in the hospital getting ready to go to heaven. I'll come tomorrow my girl and talk to you . I just wanted you to know you're very much on my mind tonight and I miss you everyday so very much. I will come tomorrow lola. I love you my girl. Stsy with Jack and have a beautiful night in heaven my girl 🐾🐾🐾🌻🌻🌻💔❤❤
2/28/20 Hi lola love, today three yrs ago you went to heaven. I remember that morning when we sent you. It's still very hard for me to know you're gone now. You were such a big part of my life. I miss our life together and often think about the happiness you and Jack and Tara brought to my life.I know you were calling for Jack to come to heaven and be with you. Jack left about a year later, he stayed with me and Tara. Thank you lola for leaving him with me. When you left it was so hard for me my heart was broken inside . My little girl pug was so far away . You would come to me in my dreams and show me things. I wish you would visit me and help me with sonic and wilber. They're crazy . Tara is almost 13yrs now and she's very old looking and sleeps alot. She ignores the boys most of the time. I'll always love you lola and I will forever hold you in my heart and soul.you made my life so happy and I hope when I come to heaven you will be there to meet me. I think of you and Jack everyday and I hope you stay together. I love you lola I will never forget you and the our life together. Have beautiful days in heaven my love and look after Jack for me. I love you and I miss you everyday 🐾🐾🐾💔💔💔🌻🌻🌻🌷🌷🌷🌻🌻🌻
4/12/2020 Hi Lola love, Happy Easter my girl. I hope you are having a beautiful day in heaven with Jack this Easter Sunday. We're all okay. Tara has gotten old . She sleeps alot and doesn't seem to be quite herself anymore. I worry about her.she will turn 13 next month and I think she's not really happy anymore. Sonic and Wilber are alot for her I just hope she knows how much I love her. I love you lola and I miss you everyday and our life together. Come visit me, I don't feel you around anymore and I miss you.stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven my girl. I love you lola so very much. 🐾
5/25/20 Hi Lola love, how are you doing in heaven my girl? Tomorrow is your birthday 🎂 16yrs old. I will come back tomorrow and write to you. I'm sorry I don't write everyday anymore. I think of you and Jack everyday actually. I miss you and our life together. Life is different now that you and Jack are in heaven. I feel like I am never truly able to relax. Sonic and Wilber are extremely active and are constantly in a state of craziness. Tara is doing so good. She turned 13 last week. I have her on two new herbs and she's so lively now. I miss you so much Lola you're still such a important part of my life and my memories. I love to remember our beautiful life together.
I'll come back tomorrow my love to say Happy birthday 🎂. Stay with Jack in heaven and have beautiful days . I love you my girl.
5/26/20 HAPPY Birthday Lola! How is your day going on your birthday today? I hope you are having a great birthday today. It's very hot here today. You never liked heat much. I miss you everyday my girl and I love you always 💓. I put flowers by your grave this morning. Maybe you can come visit us like you used too. I would love for you to do that. I love you lola and I miss you everyday. You and Jack. Have beautiful days in heaven together and stay close together. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU LOLA 🎂. ⚘⚘⚘🌻🌻🌻🐾🐾🐾🎂🎂🎂🎉🎉🎉
12/25/2020 MERRY Christmas Lola. 🤶 I hope you are having beautiful days in heaven. I really miss you and our life together. I think about you every day..You're gone almost 4yrs now. It still hurts my soul. I love you and I loved our life. Tara is old now. She has trouble getting around and doesn't see well. Wilber and sonic keep her active. I hope you and Jack are celebrating Christmas 🎄together. I wish you would visit me more often.
MERRY CHRISTMAS LOLA 🎅 I miss you everyday my girl. Stay with Jack and have beautiful days in heaven ❤.
I miss you my girl.
I hope you're having beautiful days in heaven with Jack.
Hi lola love, today is your anniversary in heaven. Four years ago you left me and began your life in heaven.
I remember everything about that morning. You were ready to go and you left peacfully. I'm greatful knowing that. 🙏 I miss you lola and our life together ❤😢. We had a beautiful life and I think of us often. I know you're happy in heaven with Jack. You don't come visit anymore and I wish you would. I miss your visits. Everything is so different since you left. Sometimes I remember how we were and what we would fo during our days. It was so peaceful ,I miss you everyday lola 💕uou will always be my little girl pug and I'm so greatful we had our life together and you and God picked me to be your Mommy for 13yrs. I miss you and our life. I will hold you in my heart ❤ forever. I still struggle with you leaving but I know you are happy and enjoying your life in heaven. Have a beautiful day today 💕💛💗and always remember I love you lola ❤. Take care of Jack for me.
5/26//2021 HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOLA 🎂🥳🎉🎈🎁
Today is your birthday 🎂! I hope you enjoy your day in heaven 💗. It's been 4yrs since I've seen you on your birthday. I used to dress you up and take your picture. I miss you everyday lola and it's still very hard for me. I'm still sad without you and Jack and now Tara. 💔 I hope you're taking care of Jack and Tara for me. You were the matriarch of our family. Now you're all together again. ❤ I hope your birthday is beautiful in heaven 💛💖💗. I love you lola and I miss you everyday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU LOLA 🎂💛❤💓💗💐💗🌸🍭🍬🍡. stay with Jack and Tara.
7/4/2021 Hi Lola, Happy 4th of July my girl🇺🇸. How are you doing in heaven with Jack and Tara? My three pugs are together again. I miss you lola and I think of you and the life we shared together ❤. It was a great life and I will always remember our beautiful time together. I miss you everyday ❤. Take care of Jack and Tara for me.I will see you again one day. Have beautiful days in heaven together. I love you always. 💔 HAPPY 4th of July 🇺🇸🍗🌹💗
7/25/2021 Hi lola my girl. How are you doing in heaven? Tomorrow is Jack's birthday 🎂so you and Tara wish him a Happy birthday.you have been gone for 4yrs now. Do you still remember me and our life together? It was so great. I'm so happy I was chosen to be your Mommy. I will always love you lola and always hold our beautiful memories of our life so close to my heart. You and Jack and Tara are now together forever ❤. I will see you again one day. Always remember me because I will always remember you. I love you so much lola. Take care of Jack and Tara for me. Have beautiful days in heaven together ❤💕💖I love you

9/25/2021 Hi Lola my little girl pug 💕. How are you doing in heaven? Are you taking care of Jack
10/30/2021 Happy Halloween 🎃 Lola love. I miss you everyday my girl. We moved into a new house because we sold our other one. This is temporary until I buy another. I hope you're taking care of Jack and Tara for me. I know you're all happy together ❤ 💛 💗. I love you lola 💖 stay together in heaven and I will see you again one day. 💖 I love you my girl
11/25/2021 Happy Thanksgiving Lola love ❤ another holiday apart but all of you are on my mind. I love you lola and you're always 💖 in my heart. Take care of my Jack and Tara.
12/25/2021. MERRY CHRISTMAS LOLA 🎅 🎄. another Christmas apart. I still miss you everyday lola and our life together. Your my little girl pug who has been away the longest. I still think of you everyday and miss you. I hope you still remember me. I will always love you. I miss us. MERRY CHRISTMAS LOLA 🎅 🎄 take care of Jack and Tara for me. I love you ❤
12/31/2021 Happy new year lola 💖 💕. Another year gone by without you. I'll always love you my girl 🌺. I miss you everyday. I wish we were still together. Have beautiful days in heaven together with Jack and Tara. Happy new year 🎉
2/14/2022 Happy Valentine's day lola love. ❤️ I still miss you everyday my girl. I love you and I know you're taking care of Jack and Tara for me. Probably bossing them around.enjoy your day in heaven together with Jack and Tara. I ❤️ you so very much my girl.
2/27 /2022 Hi lola love how are you doing in heaven my girl? Tomorrow is your 5th year in heaven. It's been 5yrs without out you and I still miss you everyday my girl. I'll come tomorrow to talk and wish you uou a happy anniversary. I love you lola💖💝💗💔
2/28/2022 Hi my girl. Today is five years ago you left for heaven 💔 😢 and I'm still broken inside without you. 💔 it's still so painful for me .I miss you so much my soul actually aches. I will always remember you and love you. I miss our beautiful life together with you and Jack and Tara. Never forget me lola 😢 come visit me again. Enjoy your beautiful anniversary in heaven today with Jack and Tara. You're all with God now. I love you all so much. Still so very sad without you 💔 I love you my little girl pug 💕 ❤️
4/27/2022 HAPPY Easter 🐣 Lola. Another Easter without you 💔. I still miss you everyday my girl. Stay close with Jack and Tara. I will see you again one day. I'll always love you and remember our beautiful life together ❤️ 💖 💕. Take care of Jack and Tara for me
5/25/2022 Hi my girl. Tomorrow is your Birthday 🎂 and I just wanted to come and tell you I love you lola love. ❤️ I will come tomorrow to wish you a Happy birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 I miss your barking. Remember how you would bark while we were driving. You were always having a good time. I'll be back tomorrow my love 💓.
5/26/2022 Happy Birthday Lola 🎂 🥳. I hope your day was beautiful on your birthday 🎂. I miss you everyday my girl and I will love you forever. I will see you again one day. Take care of Jack and Tara for me.I know you're all so happy together ❤️ I miss our life together. Happy birthday lola 💖 💓 Mommy misses you so very much. You're always my little girl pug. So feisty.
10/31/2022 Happy Halloween 🎃 👻 🎃 lola Love . I hope you and Jack and Tara had a beautiful day in heaven. I always dressed you up and walked around with all of you. I hope you remember our life together. I think of you everyday and miss you my girl. Take care of Jack and Tara for Mommy. I love you lola 💖 I will never forget us. Have beautiful days in heaven together with Jack and Tara. I will see you again one day. I love you. HAPPY Halloween 🎃
11/24/2022 Happy Thanksgiving Lola. Another holiday apart but I'm thinking about you today my girl. Stay with Jack and Tara and have beautiful days in heaven. I love you lola so much.Happy Thanksgiving.
12/25/2022 MERRY Christmas Lola my love. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas day in heaven. I miss you everyday. I'm sorry I'm so late coming to visit. I miss our life together lola and my heart still hurts when I remember you and me and Jack and Tara. MERRY CHRISTMAS LOLA 🎅 🎄 I'll always love you my girl 🌺
2/28/2023 Hi my girl.Today is your anniversary in heaven. 6yrs ago today you left. I still remember that morning we said our goodbyes. It still hurts deeply and I miss you everyday. I miss our life together. You were a good girl Lola. I hope you're taking care of Jack and Tara for me. Enjoy your beautiful days in heaven my girl and I will see you again one day. I will love you always 💛 ❤️ lola love.
4/9/2023 Happy Easter my girl. Another Easter apart but I still have you in my heart. I love you Lola and will always remember you and our beautiful life together. I miss you and Jack and Tara everyday.dont forget me. Enjoy your beautiful days in heaven together with Jack and Tara. I love you lola.
5/26/23 Happy Birthday Lola 🎂. I miss you everyday my girl. I hope you have a beautiful day today with Jack and Tara. I miss us and our life together. I miss the three of you so much.Happy Birthday girlie. I love you so much ❤️
12/25/2023 MERRY Christmas Lola 🤶 🎄.
I hope your Christmas was beautiful. I think of you always and I love you so very much. I miss you my girl.
And Tara
2/28/2024 Hi lola love ❤️ 7yrs in heaven my girl. It was 7yrs ago you left for heaven. I'll never forget that day and how broken I was. I think of you everyday my girl. I know you're happy where you are. I miss you and our special life together. I was so happy with you and Jack and Tara. I love you so much lola.I miss you girlee. Happy anniversary in heaven ❤️ 💖 💓
3/31/2024 Happy Easter 🐰 🐣 Lola love. I love you.

5/26/24 Happy Birthday Lola 🎂. Another year in heaven. I hope you enjoy your birthday celebration today with Jack and Tara.I miss you and our life together. I love all of you 💛 happy birthday lola love 💗I miss you everyday.

Please also visit JACK and Tara.

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