Welcome to Mario's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
Mario's Rainbow Bridge Pet Loss Memorial Residency Image
Memories of Mario

Mario "Poof" April 2006 - June 2, 2023

06/06/2023 - We love Poof. He was the softest and silliest grey and white Scottish Fold around. He was very big, so we called him a Gros Chat. Se ne pas un petit chat, il y a un gros chat. It was so easy to make him purr. He had such round fea tures and was so soft. His last two years were difficult. He survived a rough illness in April-May 2021. The vet said he wasn't going to make it, but he did, and ended up living another comfortable 2 years. At his peak, he was 17 pounds, but went all the way down to 7 pounds during his illness. During his last 2 years, he maintained a weight of 10-12 pounds.

He loved basking in the sun, rolling around in catnip, eating temptations treats, and eating grass.

His last words were "eeeeee."

From Jennifer, Al, Brendan and Brianna.

06/09/2023 - It's been one week since you left us. Seeing your sweet round face makes me sad and wanting to see you in person again, but it also makes me grateful you were here with us in the first place. We are so lucky to have adopted you after your previous owners gave you up for 2 boxer dogs. You are special and we would never have given you up.

06/12/2023 - It's over a week now Mario. I'm growing sadder with the realization that you are gone from us forever. It's painful, but at least you're not suffering anymore. Miss my sweet Poof. xoxo.

06/18/2023 - It's over 2 weeks now Mario. Feeling sad all the time. Miss you so much. We have your tree and other plants, even a palm tree, ready to go for your memorial. I bought you a small cat statue with wings, not sure if I'll put it outside at your tree or keep it in the house with your other stuff. But we miss you terribly. Hope you are well and happy and playing and eating with new friends, maybe even your mom and siblings. Hopefully xoxo

06/16/2023 - Today is 2 weeks Mario. Somehow we have to move on, but it's hard. Missing you more and more each day. I think reality is setting in after the schock. Not a good feeling. Rest well sweet Poof. xoxo

06/13/2023 - Miss you so much Mario, my Poofy cat. Needing to bring you "home" soon. Feeling sad. xoxo
06/14/2023 - Missing you Poof. It will never be the same here without you. Thank goodness for Rainbow Bridge. xox

06/14/2023 - Miss you sweet kitty. Your ashes came home today. Feeling so very sad. But at least youre here with us again, just in a different way. Miss and love you sweet Poof. xoxo. Goodnight.

06/20/2023 - Miss you sweet Mario. It's almost 3 whole weeks. I can't believe it. It is not the same in our house without you. I don't know how to move forward without you. We will be planting your tree soon. Your memorial tree. My sweet Poof. Miss you so much. We will continue the Monday night vigils. Goodnight sweet kitty. xoxo

06/21/2023 - We planted your tree tonight Mario. A pussy willow tree. It's very sweet, like you. A memorial for you. We miss you so much sweet Pooof.

06/23/2023 - It's been 3 weeks today Poof. Feeling so sad without you. Miss you so much. It's raining today, you must have sent that to us since it's a sad 3-week day. You're always with us though. Always. Miss you sweet Poof. Love you and hope Rainbow Bridge gives you health and happiness. xoxo.

06/25/2023 - Miss you so much Mario. My sweet Poof. Your memorial tree looks so nice. We're not done yet though. It's a weeping pussy willow tree. There's white stone around it and other plants. We also hung your framed paw prints in our living room. I just miss you so much Poof. Love you.

06/30/2023 - Well today is 4 weeks since we saw you last Mario. Each day I miss you more, I miss petting you, feeding you, listening to your purr, brushing you. But I am glad you're not suffering with your arthritis, hard of hearing, laboured breathing, inability to eat properly and without medication in it, your inability to sit properly or jump and run. But we all miss you so very much. Love you Poof. We'll continue the Monday night vigils and we have your tree outside which helps us cope. Please be well and happy. xoxo

07/01/2023 - Happy Canada Day Poof in Rainbow Bridge! Hope there are many nice things to celebrate. We will be here missing you on our first holiday without you. Love you Mario. xoxo

06/01/2024 - Tomorrow is June 2, one year Poofy, it's so hard to believe that I haven't touched you in over a year. I'm so tired tonight Poof, I don't feel like crying, I'm just sad and helpless over you three. Help me get through tomorrow, our one year without you. We love and miss you so much Poofy. We bought some new rocks to put at your tree, one each year. You mean so much to us all. How long were you deaf Poof? That upsets me. And O my Pines and Mango, we bought a birdhouse and hanger for the side area as all of your memorials. Tomorrow I will place the inspirational rocks. Miss you all so much, but I'm too tired tonight even to cry. Please watch over us friends, and bring Brendan home safely next Saturday Poof. please watch over him. Sleep well friends, miss & love you all so much, xoxo

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