Welcome to Nutmeg's Rainbow Bridge Memorial Residency
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Memories of Nutmeg
My sweet girl Nutmeg left us and joined her sister Eggnog on the rainbow bridge seven weeks ago. We got Nutmeg with her sister when they were babies, and she turned seven in March; I know it would be like a hundred human years, but I hoped she would be with us longer. Nutmeg was diagnosed with cancerous tumor on her rear end almost three years ago; a surgery was not recommended, and the vet did not know how long she had left. In case she had pain, the doctor prescribed pain medication "for life". I was giving her this medication via syringe every day, and she loved it! I don't think she was in pain: she seemed to be happy and lived normal life, and that tumor did not grow bigger over these last years. Nutmeg had a strong personality and always let us know when she did not like something. She was a little fighter overcoming intermittent health problems from time to time. She liked being petted and held: she would sit still on my husband's chest or on my lap for a long time and would let us know when it was time "to go" by nibbling slightly our hands or clothes. She would wait to pee until we put her down in the cage, and accidents happened only when we did not pay attention or ignored her subtle "signs".
When Nutmeg got sick in May, I took her to a vet: she had UTI, and the doctor prescribed antibiotic. Apparently, there were other problems, too, and she was getting sicker, almost stopped eating, and I started feeding her critical care, but critical care cannot sustain a guinea pig for too long. I saw that my girl was slipping away, but, somehow, even being in pain and lying on her side, she still was fighting. We could not watch her suffering any longer and had to let her go.
Even now, after several weeks have passed, it feels empty without, and sadness does not go away. I feel so sorry that I could not help her, and she suffered during those last days.
We all love you, sweet Nutmeg! We miss your unique personality. I know you are with you sister now chasing each other on those green meadows on the other side of the rainbow bridge.


Hi, my sweet girl. It's been a while since you crossed the bridge. I hope you are doing well and met a lot of new friends. I just posted some pictures: you and Misha look so cute! He misses you, you know. He became very emotional when we put you in the cage the very last time to say goodbye: he probably understood that something was not right and, so he stood up and tried to get inside the cage and then started whining... You two always had special relationship.



Hi, my dear girl! You left us a year ago today, but it feels like it was yesterday. I think of you, my sweet girl, and I miss you so much! We all miss you. Misha says Hi. How are you? Are you happy? Did you find a lot of new friends? You know, we got three new piggies from a shelter last year. They are young fluffy piggies popcorning around the cage, squalling and constantly asking for more food: they are very funny! When I come home, all three stand up on the cage fence waiting for food. I call them "three musketeers"! You and Eggnog were the quiet piggies, especially you. I remember how would sit still for the whole hour on Dad's chest. You are my strong girl, my fighter! I love you so much!

Your Mommy

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