Rainbow Bridge
Monday Night Candlelight Tribute Room

Grief is not measured in time but when the heart is dry of tears and your mind comes to acceptance, you will begin to heal. Meanwhile, you are not alone. - Ginny Brancato
Below are Tributes for the week of May 28, 2024 through June 03, 2024



Date Posted: 6/2/24
Requested By: David and Suzanne Nicosia
For: Maddi -Lynn
Breed: Boston Terrier
Home Town: Dunkirk, New York
Born: May 28, 1998
Passed On: December 16, 2010
Special Tribute: Sweet Maddi-Lynn you made each day so special and we miss you so much. We have so many wonderful memories that keep you alive in our hearts ❤️! One day we will hold you once again, and we will be together forever. Until that day, love from Mom and Pop.
Email: David and Suzanne Nicosia

Date Posted: 5/29/24
Requested By: Jennifer
For: Mario
Breed: Scottish fold
Home Town: Wallaceburg
Born: April 2006
Passed On: June 2, 2023
Special Tribute: Mario, it is a year since we last saw you, we miss you so much. And Pines, it doesn't get easier, and Mango, we are so sorry. Miss you three so much, love always xoxo
Email: Jennifer

Date Posted: 6/2/24
Requested By: David and Suzanne Nicosia
For: Marleigh Mae
Breed: Boston Terrier
Home Town: Dunkirk, New York
Born: August 25, 2012
Passed On: January 17, 2024
Special Tribute: Precious Marleigh Mae we miss you more than words can say. You were the center of our lives each day, and you brought such love and joy to our home. You are always on our minds and forever in our hearts 💞 sweet girl. Until we meet again, love from Mom and Pop . ❣️💋💖
Email: David and Suzanne Nicosia

Date Posted: 5/28/24
Requested By: Ron Troia
For: Max
Breed: Lovable Lug
Home Town: Taylors, SC
Born: 1998
Passed On: June 13, 2007
Special Tribute: I love you Max. My heart still aches with the pain of missing you but I find comfort in knowing that one day we shall be reunited again for all eternity. Thank you for finding me and sharing your love with me. May the heat from this candle signify the warmth of the love we share forever.(((MAX))) XO
Email: Ron Troia

Date Posted: 5/29/24
Requested By: Olivia
For: ❤️👼MAXIMUS👼❤️
Breed: Perfect Protector👼
Home Town: California
Born: SEPTEMBER 12, 2011❤️
Passed On: 5/8/21
Special Tribute: My dearest baby Boo Maximus, it has been a very difficult 3 years of missing you since you’ve earned your wings & joined your sister in heavenly peace may your days be bathed in light. Forgive me I failed to protect you. Please remember how much I love you & cannot wait to be reunited with you ❤️
Email: Olivia

Date Posted: 5/28/24
Requested By: Maria Elena
For: Mimi
Breed: Shih Tzu
Home Town: Louisville Kentucky
Born: 02/28/2008
Passed On: 06/27/2022
Special Tribute: My little baby girl, my little angel.I miss you every day and I wish to see you again my dear baby. My heart is broken forever my life is so hard without you. I know that you are waiting for me at the bridge and one day I know that you and me are going to meet again. Thanks for all your love .
Email: Maria Elena

Date Posted: 6/2/24
Requested By: David and Suzanne Nicosia
For: Mindy
Breed: Scottish Terrier
Home Town: Dunkirk, New York
Born: March 7, 1976
Passed On: February 1, 1990
Special Tribute: Dearest Mindy thank you for sharing your love and companionship with our family. We love you so much ❣️ and you will live in our hearts 💕 forever. We cannot wait to hold you again in Heaven sweet girl. Love you eternally, Mom and Pop.
Email: David and Suzanne Nicosia

Date Posted: 5/28/24
Requested By: Darrin and Holly
For: Minnie
Breed: Kitty
Home Town: Darwin, MN
Born: 2006
Passed On: January 21, 2021
Special Tribute: Minnie was our special friend we had for many years. We will always remember your snuggles and your meow for us to get up in the morning. You loved your cream and tuna. You are our baby and always will be!! Everyday with you was a blessing! We love you Minnie and we miss you so very much!
Email: Darrin and Holly

Date Posted: 6/1/24
Requested By: Joseph Cormier
For: Molly Cormier
Breed: Miniature Dachshund
Home Town: Chatsworth,California
Born: Unknown
Passed On: October 29,2017
Special Tribute: Loving God,my my beloved pet and companion Molly,I miss dearly,please bless her and give her peace always.May your care for Molly last forever.I thank you for the gift she has been for me.I love you Molly forever and my prayer for our reunion beats from my heart 4ever!I ❤️U4ever🙏❤️🌈🙏ChiefPixie❤️
Email: Joseph Cormier

Date Posted: 5/28/24
Requested By: Laura & Ed
For: Mom, Frosty, Sam & Socks🐱
Breed: All shorthair of various colors
Home Town: sending our love girls💕XOXOXOXO
Born: Mom? stray we fed / Frosty, Sam & Socks 7/19/04
Passed On: Mom 2008/ Frosty 5/29/18 Sam 8/26/18 Socks 4/30/16
Special Tribute: Mom/Frosty/Sam/Socks, we hope you're altogether at the Bridge. Mom, we took care of your 3 girls when the angels came for u, your girls lived long lives & as time went on they joined u at the bridge. We are grateful u 4 touched our lives & made it special with your love & are now reunited with mom💕
Email: Laura & Ed


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